Thursday, July 5, 2012

The enameled wire price fluctuations

Enameled Wire prices and types of specifications have a great relationship,

in the case of the same kinds, the smaller  specifications but the more

expensive price! And the total price with the original copper price

Enameled Copper Wire
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In accordance with the commonly used specifications, the price of

enameled wire is generally "Copper + processing fees + paint" to

pricing, specifications (0.200 ~ 0.500mm) 10 to 20 yuan / KG, if the

copper is 50000/ ton, then the total price of the enameled wire is

about 60 ~~ 70KG; aluminum enameled copper wire and copper wire, commonly used

copper + processing fees "approach to pricing, but because of the

aluminum processing fees will generally be three times the copper

wireabout the general specifications (0.200 ~ 0.500mm) 30 to 50 yuan /

KG, if the aluminum is 20,000 / ton, enamelled aluminum price probably

50 to 60 yuan / KG. Addition or to see the impact of international

crude oil prices, because of enameled wires, paint prices will follow

the international crude oil price fluctuations, such as the May 10

Today, the domestic automobile gasoline were down 0.2 yuan per liter,

so the development of the international market, according to a recent

changes in oil prices, considering the current economic situation at

home and abroad, the domestic refined oil market supply and demand

situation, in accordance with the current oil price formation

mechanism, decided to lower the prices of refined oil. The same

enameled paint prices will fluctuate.