Monday, October 29, 2012

The main factors of influence copper prices

As Enameled Copper Wire growing demand, the Copper demand is changing, the businessman constantly pay attention to the price of Copper, hope to give customers the most affordable Enameled Wire, it is not only to the interests of the consumer, also is the long-term interests of the business. To introduce the influence factors of copper price what.
A. international economic situation. Commodity market and economic situation in the related is obvious, especially in today's world economic globalization, commodity markets and economy has more relevance, so the price of copper and economic situation closely related. The consumption of the copper mainly concentrated in the developed industrial countries, these countries such as the United States, Japan, Western Europe and other countries of the economic conditions more influence of copper prices, generally speaking, the economic situation is good, copper demand increase as prices rise, and dropped.
B. the production status of the producers. Chile is the most abundant resources copper and the world's largest copper exporter, central Africa Zambia and Zaire is also important production copper countries, they almost all the production of copper for export, they the production status of the copper market for international influence. The three countries to the situation has not been very stable, labor disputes are often hair, the copper price is a direct impact.
C. Seasonal effect. Seasonal fluctuation of the copper price is more apparent, every January for low and high prices in August.
D. industry policy influence. Because of copper mainly used in electric, electronics, construction, machinery and transportation, so the country industrial policy for the industry to a more important influence on the copper price.
E. The price of alternatives. In the telecommunications industry, copper has been an important raw material, but because the optical fiber technology promotion and application, the challenge of copper status, and at the same time, aluminum and other metal material and copper has the same properties, in most use field is also replace copper.
F. inventories influence. Stock prices is one of the important factors that influence. Enterprise in different market situation, will take different measures to increase or reduce inventory. To ensure that production for the raw materials or speed up the flow of funds, in different period also will use stimulation reserves to stable copper city.
G. other policy and regulations influence. Because of the enameled wire market is an international market, international trade, because of the large increase of the countries concerned for exchange rate system, import and export, and the strength of the smugglers aspects of change, also can produce effect copper prices.