Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Enameled wire products to ensure quality

Variety of enameled wires insulating paint, causing trouble for the manufacturers, but also to increase choice, grasp the quality characteristics of the paint and technology law line for assurance of product quality and production efficiency is particularly important, even the same has been confirmed varieties but the the original source brand of paint often also need to use a different process conditions to Kaneyasu get the best quality performance, and the performance level of the line, or will be significantly different, such THEIC: modified polyester paint, acetal paint, self-adhesive paint has such characteristics can be found through applied research and mastery of these laws, but also be able to verify the applicability of the experience of others in their own businesses under certain conditions.
The domestic should strengthen the enameled wires detection technology research, to promote the development of the variety and quality, the motor electrical industry in China began in the 1980s, the introduction of foreign manufacturing technology, the demand of domestic raw materials to stimulate the development of varieties and to improve the quality of the magnet wire industry enthusiasm, while driving detection the improvement and development of the technology; domestic magnet wire not only fully meet the IEC, NEMA, JIS. magnet wire production and use has a long history, but has some product features are not fully understood, which also requires the application of multivariate more advanced testing methods to explore further.

Enameled wire round aluminum outlook

Enameled wire industry motor electronics, home appliances and electronic information, communication and other industries supporting the basic materials industry, its market demand with the market requirements of these industries and development; enameled wire overwhelming share in the cost of products of these industries, particularly enamelled round copper wire cost when the price of copper up to 7.8 million, accounting for 40-50% of the cost of certain motor. These high copper prices, to reduce costs, many companies began to use enamelled round aluminum wire instead of enamelled round copper winding material.
Ten years ago, enamelled round aluminum wire production in North America already account for almost 10% of the market of enameled wire. China in five years ago enamelled round aluminum manufacturer also few, aluminum not only cheaper than copper, the same as a good conductor, it has a more excellent flexibility than copper, its density is only copper 1 / 3, and the conduction of electrical energy by the equivalent weight aluminum is twice that of copper; larger AWG is required the same current conduction aluminum than copper. Another advantage of copper enamelled round aluminum NEMA standards identified aluminum enameled wire for higher heat level.

Monday, October 29, 2012

The main factors of influence copper prices

As Enameled Copper Wire growing demand, the Copper demand is changing, the businessman constantly pay attention to the price of Copper, hope to give customers the most affordable Enameled Wire, it is not only to the interests of the consumer, also is the long-term interests of the business. To introduce the influence factors of copper price what.
A. international economic situation. Commodity market and economic situation in the related is obvious, especially in today's world economic globalization, commodity markets and economy has more relevance, so the price of copper and economic situation closely related. The consumption of the copper mainly concentrated in the developed industrial countries, these countries such as the United States, Japan, Western Europe and other countries of the economic conditions more influence of copper prices, generally speaking, the economic situation is good, copper demand increase as prices rise, and dropped.
B. the production status of the producers. Chile is the most abundant resources copper and the world's largest copper exporter, central Africa Zambia and Zaire is also important production copper countries, they almost all the production of copper for export, they the production status of the copper market for international influence. The three countries to the situation has not been very stable, labor disputes are often hair, the copper price is a direct impact.
C. Seasonal effect. Seasonal fluctuation of the copper price is more apparent, every January for low and high prices in August.
D. industry policy influence. Because of copper mainly used in electric, electronics, construction, machinery and transportation, so the country industrial policy for the industry to a more important influence on the copper price.
E. The price of alternatives. In the telecommunications industry, copper has been an important raw material, but because the optical fiber technology promotion and application, the challenge of copper status, and at the same time, aluminum and other metal material and copper has the same properties, in most use field is also replace copper.
F. inventories influence. Stock prices is one of the important factors that influence. Enterprise in different market situation, will take different measures to increase or reduce inventory. To ensure that production for the raw materials or speed up the flow of funds, in different period also will use stimulation reserves to stable copper city.
G. other policy and regulations influence. Because of the enameled wire market is an international market, international trade, because of the large increase of the countries concerned for exchange rate system, import and export, and the strength of the smugglers aspects of change, also can produce effect copper prices. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The enameled wire price fluctuations

Enameled Wire prices and types of specifications have a great relationship,

in the case of the same kinds, the smaller  specifications but the more

expensive price! And the total price with the original copper price

Enameled Copper Wire
Add caption
In accordance with the commonly used specifications, the price of

enameled wire is generally "Copper + processing fees + paint" to

pricing, specifications (0.200 ~ 0.500mm) 10 to 20 yuan / KG, if the

copper is 50000/ ton, then the total price of the enameled wire is

about 60 ~~ 70KG; aluminum enameled copper wire and copper wire, commonly used

copper + processing fees "approach to pricing, but because of the

aluminum processing fees will generally be three times the copper

wireabout the general specifications (0.200 ~ 0.500mm) 30 to 50 yuan /

KG, if the aluminum is 20,000 / ton, enamelled aluminum price probably

50 to 60 yuan / KG. Addition or to see the impact of international

crude oil prices, because of enameled wires, paint prices will follow

the international crude oil price fluctuations, such as the May 10

Today, the domestic automobile gasoline were down 0.2 yuan per liter,

so the development of the international market, according to a recent

changes in oil prices, considering the current economic situation at

home and abroad, the domestic refined oil market supply and demand

situation, in accordance with the current oil price formation

mechanism, decided to lower the prices of refined oil. The same

enameled paint prices will fluctuate.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Curing to enameled wire influence

Curing effect enameled wire flexibility, solvent resistance, blow, soften the breakdown. Sometimes although at that time the performances, but film poor stability, the storage after period of time, performance data drop, even not qualified. If curing excessive, enameled wire film brittle, flexibility, thermal shock decline. Most enameled wires through the color of the paint film can judge curing degree, but because enameled wire is after many baking and become, only from appearance judgment is not comprehensive.
enameled wire
enameled wire
In the curing reaction solvent, the density of the gas or the humidity of influence in gas mostly conjunctival reaction, make the paint film enameled wire dropping the strength, impact resistant to shave performance. Paint film appropriate curing, depending on the paint bag furnace temperature and after paint bag furnace time.
Each of the solidified film will be layered between enameled wire, can't form a strong overall, the strength of the paint film is poor, able to bear or endure blow performance not qualified. This is due to the paint film imines together after roasting full curing become molten material, plus its poor adhesion of the features, cause paint film statified phenomenon, doing blow when resistance test, the film will be a layer of a layer of scraping the broken. So get together to make the paint surface when baked imines basic curing but not fully, part of the molecules in the film there are a few of the yankees no reaction, when every paint baking was over, and finally to high temperature baking, make coating cured fully, form a firmer whole.
When enameled wires internal curing is not enough, but very sufficient external curing, enameled wire color is very good, but the detachment sex is very poor, the thermal aging test, may paint film casing or large peeling. Conversely, internal curing is better but external curing is insufficient, enameled wire color is very good, but able to bear or endure blow sex is very poor.
More knowledge about Enameled Wire and Enameled Copper Wire,please log on enameled wire website.It will help you.

Monday, June 11, 2012

High quality enameled wire should be how to evaporation

High quality enameled wire should be evaporation,as following:
Enameled Wires
Enameled Wires
Insulation wire to besmear after baking in the first will be solvent and thinner evaporation. Liquid into a gas have two kinds of forms: evaporation and boiling. The surface of the liquid into the air molecules called evaporation, it can in any temperature, the influence of temperature and density by, high temperature and low density can evaporate faster. When density to achieve a certain amount, the liquid will no longer to evaporate and become saturated state. Internal molecules into a gas liquid form bubble rising to the surface of the liquid, bubble burst release steam, the liquid internal and the surface of the molecular and gasification phenomenon that boil.
The film smooth enameled wires request the solvent, gasification must be in the form of evaporation, must not allow boiling, otherwise enameled wire surface will be have a bubble and hairy grains. With the paint in the fluid of evaporation of the solvent, insulation varnish more and more strong, paint the internal migration to solvent liquid surface longer time, especially thick wire enameled wire specifications, because of thick liquid with paint, evaporation time should be extended to avoid internal solvent gasification phenomenon, get the smooth film.
The evaporation temperature oven, depends on the solution of the boiling point, low boiling point is less temperature evaporation area. But lead paint on the surface of the liquid temperature is passed by the furnace temperature, plus solution of evaporation heat, heat absorption of the wire, so lead paint on the surface of the liquid temperature than low temperature.
Fine specifications of baking lacquer package, though there are also evaporation stage, but because the paint on the wires with liquid thin, in a very short period of time solvent evaporated, and therefore the evaporation temperature can be higher, if in the cured film to a few lower temperature, such as polyurethane enameled wire, compared the evaporation temperature even higher than the temperature curing. If evaporation area of low temperature, enameled wires surface formation shrink paint wool, wool shape sometimes like wave shape or bamboo shape, sometimes into hollow. This is because lead paint on the wires after form a layer of paint uniform liquid, if not quickly baking film, because the surface tension of liquid paint and wetting Angle function to cause shrinkage paint, when evaporation area of low temperature when the temperature of the liquid paint is also low, solvent volatilization time long, paint liquid in the movement of the small when solvent evaporation, flow ping sex differences, when evaporation area to the high temperature, the temperature of the liquid paint is high also, evaporation of the solvent short time, the paint liquid in the movement of the solvent evaporation in big, flow ping sex good, enameled wire surface is smooth.
If evaporation area high temperature, the besmear good lacquer layer wires into the oven, the outer layers of a solvent evaporation so they make binder resin which soon "frozen" to block lining rubber solvents continue to migration, the results of a large solvent with the inner travel into the high line was mandatory evaporation or boiling, destroy the surface film of continuity, cause paint film pinhole, bubble and the quality problems.
If you are interest in enameled wire and enameled copper wire,you can log on this website http://www.enameledwires.com/ .In the website there are much knowledge about enameled wires.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

How annealing production enameled wires

It is important how to annealing when production enameled wires.

Annealing is designed to make conductor of process because mould drawing grid work and become hard wire changes after a certain temperature of the heat, the molecular lattice rearrangement of the recovery process requirement of softness, at the same time, drawing process to remove residual lubricant conductor in surface, oil, etc, make the wire easy to paint, ensure the quality of the wire enameled wire. The most important is to ensure enameled wire as the winding in use process have the suitable softness and elongation at break, at the same time to improve conductivity.

The bigger the conductor deformation degree, the lower the elongation and tensile strength is higher.

The copper wire of annealing, now commonly used to have three ways: in coil annealing; Wire drawing machine continuous annealing; The southbound charter continuous annealing. In the first two kind of way can meet the paint bag process requirements. In coil can only make the softening annealing copper wire, and to the oil is not complete, because after annealing wire soft, the pay-off increase when bending. Wire drawing machine in continuous annealing, although can reach the copper wire and softening removing surface oil, but after annealing of soft copper wire around to the wire disc formed many crooked. The paint, paint on the charter flights before continuous annealing can not only to soften the purpose to oil, and after annealing of wires are very straight, directly into the paint device, can besmear on uniform film.

Enameled Wire
Enameled Wire
Annealing furnace temperature according to the length of the annealing furnace, copper wire specifications, line linear velocity to decide. In the same temperature and velocity, the longer the annealing furnace, conductor of the grid work full recovery. In the annealing temperature is lower, the higher the temperature, elongation at break the better, but the annealing temperature is very high will have the opposite phenomenon, the higher the temperature is, the smaller the elongation, and wire surface loses luster, and even easier to brittle fracture.

Annealing furnace temperature is too high, not only affect the service life of furnace, and parking arrangement, break when threading easy burn disconnected. Ask to return the highest temperature of the fire control at 500 ℃ or so. The second section of the stove temperature control form, in the static and dynamic temperature of the approximate location choice of temperature control point is effective.

Copper under high temperature easy oxidation, copper oxide is very SuSong, paint film can't firm attached in the copper wire, copper oxide to paint film aging have a catalytic effect, flexibility, hot wire enameled wire to impact, thermal aging have adverse effects. To copper wire not oxidation, will make the copper wire in high temperature with the oxygen in air contact, so the protection gas. Most of the annealing furnace head a water seal, another head open. Annealing furnace in the sink water has three functions: closed the oven, cooling conductor, steam do happen protection gas. When driving in just because the steam pipe annealing rarely, cannot promptly eliminate air, can go to a small amount of alcohol annealing tube irrigation water solution (1-1). (cut note not pure alcohol and control filling use)

The water quality is very important annealing sink. The water will make lead does not clean impurities influence painting, unable to form the smooth film. Use of chlorine water amount should be less than 5 mg/l, conductivity less than 50 μ Ω/cm. Chlorine ion in the surface of the copper wires attached after a period of time will corrosion copper wire and coatings, enameled wire in the paint film in wire surface produces black spots. To ensure the quality must be regularly clean sink.

The water temperature also have requirements. High water temperature to happen to the water vapor, the protection of annealing copper wire, leave the leads of the water tank with water not easily, but to wire cooling disadvantage. Although a low temperature cooling effect, but the wire with a lot of water, adverse to paint. Usually, the thick line low some water, fine line of some high water temperature. When the copper wire in the surface water is made from vaporizing splash of voice, the show high temperature water. General thick line control in 50 ~ 60 ℃, the center line in 60 ~ 70 ℃ control, fine line control in 70 ~ 80 ℃. Fine line for speed, with serious problems of water, appropriate USES hot air drying.

More information about enameled wires or enameled copper wire ,Please log on http://www.enameledwires.com/ .