Monday, June 11, 2012

High quality enameled wire should be how to evaporation

High quality enameled wire should be evaporation,as following:
Enameled Wires
Enameled Wires
Insulation wire to besmear after baking in the first will be solvent and thinner evaporation. Liquid into a gas have two kinds of forms: evaporation and boiling. The surface of the liquid into the air molecules called evaporation, it can in any temperature, the influence of temperature and density by, high temperature and low density can evaporate faster. When density to achieve a certain amount, the liquid will no longer to evaporate and become saturated state. Internal molecules into a gas liquid form bubble rising to the surface of the liquid, bubble burst release steam, the liquid internal and the surface of the molecular and gasification phenomenon that boil.
The film smooth enameled wires request the solvent, gasification must be in the form of evaporation, must not allow boiling, otherwise enameled wire surface will be have a bubble and hairy grains. With the paint in the fluid of evaporation of the solvent, insulation varnish more and more strong, paint the internal migration to solvent liquid surface longer time, especially thick wire enameled wire specifications, because of thick liquid with paint, evaporation time should be extended to avoid internal solvent gasification phenomenon, get the smooth film.
The evaporation temperature oven, depends on the solution of the boiling point, low boiling point is less temperature evaporation area. But lead paint on the surface of the liquid temperature is passed by the furnace temperature, plus solution of evaporation heat, heat absorption of the wire, so lead paint on the surface of the liquid temperature than low temperature.
Fine specifications of baking lacquer package, though there are also evaporation stage, but because the paint on the wires with liquid thin, in a very short period of time solvent evaporated, and therefore the evaporation temperature can be higher, if in the cured film to a few lower temperature, such as polyurethane enameled wire, compared the evaporation temperature even higher than the temperature curing. If evaporation area of low temperature, enameled wires surface formation shrink paint wool, wool shape sometimes like wave shape or bamboo shape, sometimes into hollow. This is because lead paint on the wires after form a layer of paint uniform liquid, if not quickly baking film, because the surface tension of liquid paint and wetting Angle function to cause shrinkage paint, when evaporation area of low temperature when the temperature of the liquid paint is also low, solvent volatilization time long, paint liquid in the movement of the small when solvent evaporation, flow ping sex differences, when evaporation area to the high temperature, the temperature of the liquid paint is high also, evaporation of the solvent short time, the paint liquid in the movement of the solvent evaporation in big, flow ping sex good, enameled wire surface is smooth.
If evaporation area high temperature, the besmear good lacquer layer wires into the oven, the outer layers of a solvent evaporation so they make binder resin which soon "frozen" to block lining rubber solvents continue to migration, the results of a large solvent with the inner travel into the high line was mandatory evaporation or boiling, destroy the surface film of continuity, cause paint film pinhole, bubble and the quality problems.
If you are interest in enameled wire and enameled copper wire,you can log on this website .In the website there are much knowledge about enameled wires.

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